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How comparatively worthless are all earthly possessions! One, who had formed his estimate of them from experience, exclaims, "Vanity of vanities, vanity of vanities; all is vanity" Happy are the persons who, deeply impressed with the truth of this sentiment, earnestly covet and seek after true substantial riches. These are to be found in the gospel of Christ.. It is compared to a treasure *. Let it be remembered, that it is not what some call the Gospel, which deserves this character; not the gospel legalized in its nature, or corrupted in its form by the inventions of men;- but the doctrines, the invitations, the promises of the gospel, in their purity and connection, as delivered by Christ and his apostles in the Scriptures of the New Testament. This gospel is a treasure; the properties of which are so singularly excellent, that it can never be duly esteemed.

The gospel is a treasure of heavenly origin. The mine whence it is digged is no other than Jehovah himself. It springs from the wisdom, the goodness, the grace, the very bowels of God; it bears his image and superscription; it qualifies a person to carry on a commerce with Heaven.

The gospel is a treasure of intrinsic worth. The value of silver and gold is merely accidental, arising from the authority and common consent of men; but the excellence of the no external circumgospel is founded in its own nature :

stance whatever can either increase or diminish its value. Whatever its reception among men may be, it is, in itself, infinitely precious.

The gospel is a treasure suited to the souls of men. The riches it exhibits are spiritual; and, as such, adapted to the nature of our souls. They are equally suited to the deplorable circumstances of depravity, of guilt, and of misery, into which our spirits are fallen. In the treasures of the gospel there are forgiveness of sins, peace of conscience, purity of heart, joy in the Holy Ghost, the hope of glory; an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away.

it The gospel is a treasure, as plenteous in its stores as it is vaIt proceeds from an infinite source: luable in its nature. includes all heavenly and spiritual blessings, the unsearchable riches of Christ: it is calculated, not only to supply the wants, and to answer the desires, but even to fill and to ex ceed the most enlarged capacity of our souls:- it is capable of enriching millions of of enriching the most indigent,

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Mat, xiii. 44, 45, 46. 2 Cor. iv. 7.

needy souls, of enriching them through eternity; and of doing all this without any diminution of its stores.

The gospel is also a communicative treasure. It not only exhibits its riches to attract our admiration, but it kindly invites as to partake of all that it contains; it requires no previous merit, or worthiness, to entitle us to this privilege; it forbids our unbelieving scruples, and encourages us to take freely and largely of all its invaluable stores; it is sent from Heaven for the purpose of communicating its blessings to the souls of men. Many have been enriched by it already; and still it is continued, for the purpose of enriching more.

Let a person once possess the blessings of the gospel, and he can never be impoverished. It contains durable riches;treasures which neither moth nor rust corrupt, and which thieves can never steal :-its blessings have eternity stamped on their nature; and the title of those to whom they are conveyed, is sealed by the immutable purpose of God. Many mercies they may lose; but not the treasures of the gospel. Their sense of interest in them may sometimes be lost, but not the blessings themselves.

The treasures of the gospel, when sensibly enjoyed, are satisfying. The small degree in which they are experienced on earth, affords the believer a kind of satisfaction, which nothing besides can possibly communicate. When fully possessed in Heaven, the soul can desire no more.

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From all these considerations we may justly conclude, that the gospel is a treasure of incomparable worth. It is more precious than gold; yea, than much fine gold: it is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. All the blessings which God bestows are valuable; but this is supereminently so. Worldly enjoyments are the brass, natural endowments are the silver; but the gospel and its blessings are the gold, - the most valuable of all those blessings which divine liberality confers on the chil. dren of men. Though possessed of all that the world calls good or great, if destitute of the gospel, we should be miserably poor indeed; but favoured with this treasure, and interested in its blessings, we are rich in all situations, eminently. rich; and rich for eternity.

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How thankful then should we be for the revelation of this gospel-treasure! How diligently should we explore and dig into this mine! God forbid that the Gospel should be in our hands as a price in the hands of a fool, who has no heart to it! Let us never rest satisfied, without a well-grounded persua sion that we are interested in all the rich blessings it contain's. Possessed of this treasure ourselves, let us, by every possible means, compassionately endeavour to impart it to others.




I SINCERELY Congratulate you, my friends, on the success which, in so many instances, attends your labours in the Lord's vineyard. Blessed are the feet that carry the glorious light of the gospel into the benighted corners of our land, where the Sun of Righteousness never shone! Blessed are the lips that preach the glad tidings of salvation to the poor!

With pleasure and thankfulness I have witnessed your crowded congregations and your active zeal. Many, I doubt not, under your ministry have been born again, are fighting the good fight, and will be your joy and crown in the great day.

But, amidst the splendid profession of the present day, have you not observed and lamented a superficial religion that promises but little real or solid effect; a religion that leaves the heart unsanctified, the passions unsubdued, and the life unrenewed? We hear much of convictions of sin; but let us trace these convictions to their source, and follow them in their effects: In many instances, they are the alarms of terror, which, like the transient blaze, soon vanish, rather than the "godly sorrow that worketh repentance unto life." Too often they fall short of that new birth which is represented by


putting off the old man, and putting on the new." Sin, though called by every term that is vile, is not mortified; the easily besetting sin is still predominant, and the self-denying duties of the gospel are neglected.

In other instances, these convictions are as suddenly changed into the joys of assurance ;- doubts and fears are dismissed,and the absolute and unconditional promises of the gospel are the only food that is relished. While many thus boast of being carried out of themselves, Satan is spreading his snares within, pride is growing, corruption is gaining strength; the Christian armour is laid aside, or not used with effect; the heart is not guarded, prayer and watchfulness are not kept up, duties are neglected; and, while they think themselves walking in the light, their spiritual life is going to decay: they grow in assurance, but not in grace. In many, this unhappy delusion lasts too long; and, like a false light, leads the unwary traveller astray. All is inviting; the Valley of Humiliation is soon passed; no self-denying duties occasion ter- the crown is held out, but the cross is kept back. With this easy religion, many join the number of gospel professors. While the gospel offers wine and milk without money, and without price, they are ready to come at its call; but when it says, "Take my yoke upon you," they turn a deaf ear to its XI, SP


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commands, and "go away sorrowful." While they glory in Christ, as loving the vilest of sinners, they forget that no unsanctified soul can be a subject of his kingdom.

Can we wonder if, in other instances, these sudden transports of light and joy are as suddenly followed by darkness and gloom? This sad change is immediately attributed to the absolute will of him who doth all things according to his good pleasure; or to the great enemy of souls, who is permitted to practise his arts upon the minds of believers. Instead of examining every corner of the heart for that secret iniquity which separates between God and the soul, every page in the Bible is turned over, that the eye may be directed to some word of comfort, that may operate as a charm to dispel the gloom. Have you not observed a dangerous enthusiasm, that mistakes a heated imagination and agitated nerves, for divine influence and the work of the Spirit? - an enthusiasm by which the blessed Jesus is wounded in the house of his friends; by which his holy Spirit is grieved; that divine Spirit who can be traced only by his fruits and effects, and who will not dwell in the careless and negligent soul!

In consequence of this superficial religion, do you not observe a sad deficiency in the characters of gospel professors, in their closets, in their families, in the world? Oh! what is become of that noble spirit which animated the Christians of the first age, of whom so many things are said in the Acts of the Apostles? Where is that Heavenly mindedness, that self-denial and mutual love that distinguished them for the world? Where is that" charity that suffereth long and is kind, that envieth not, vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not bebave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, believeth all things, hopeth all things, and endureth all things?" Where is that scrupulous fear of sin that shunned even the appearance of eyil, that kept a strict guard over every avenue of the soul? How rare now are bright examples of unaffected holiness! How many professors cause the enemies of the gospel to blaspheme by their uneven and unsteady walk and conversation in the world!

Have I drawn the picture of some gospel-professors too strong? Do you not join in lamenting this superficial religion? Would you not rejoice in the revival of that primitive piety, that puts on the gospel yoke while it receives the gospel pro


Will you then, my friends, permit me to enquire, with you, What are the most likely means, with the divine blessing, to revive this primitive piety? I have frequently thought, that à more scriptural strain of preaching would be likely to have this happy effect, would produce a more solid profession, more humble believers, and more Bible Christians.

In representing the conversion of a sinner, you justly begin

with conviction of sin. But, my friends, are you not too easily satisfied with the strong language of terror, with convictions, that, in many sad instances, fall short of conversion, of that great and regenerating change that creates the soul anew in Christ Jesus," of that "repentance which is unto life?"

Do you endeavour to lead the sinner to those secret chambers of iniquity, where no eye but God's can penetrate, where secret faults lie concealed, where the seeds of iniquity are preparing to bring forth fruit unto death?" Convinced that such an intimate and heart-searching view of his depraved nature is not to be obtained by a superficial review, do you urge him to much self-examination, to prove himself diligently by the word of God? In those secret retirements, he would find out the deceitfuluess of his heart; and especially that easilybesetting sin, which calls for all his watchfulness: he would be more aware of the devices of his spiritual enemy, and more carefully watch against temptation: he would feel more need of the Christian armour of watchfulness and prayer: he would feel his need of "the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Spirit:" he would feel his need of a better righte ousness, and of that blood that cleanseth from all sin.

From a foundation thus laid, in a thorough conversion of heart to God, might we not expect a firmer superstructure of piety and holiness?

Permit me further to enquire, Whether, in the general course of your preaching, you do not too much keep back those selfdenying duties that are so strongly enforced by the gospel? As followers of the Lamb, as soldiers of the cross, are we not called out to a dangerous and painful warfare with flesh and blood; with inbred corruptions, to pluck out right eyes, to cut off right hands, to crucify the old man with its affections and lusts?

This is a subject, my fiiends, that calls loudly for your attention. Many of your professing hearers seem to know little of this spiritual warfare. They talk much of the great enemy of souls, but they seem unacquainted with the devices with which he ensnares them. To him they attribute all their doubts of salvation; these are the only weapons of the adversary which they seem to fear; and they seek for assurance, as the only shield against his fiery darts. When he attacks them with heart-sins, they are not aware of his designs. When he makes war upon them with fleshly lusts, they are not prepared for his assaults, and too often fall: or, finding the contest difficult, they leave off striving, and sit down with this sad conclusion, that grace will do all; and thus" continue in sin, that grace may abound." "Many thus walk, of whom we may say, weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ."

Oh! that upon this subject you would cry aloud and spare not; that you would shew God's professing people "their transgressions, and the house of Israel their sins!" Cry aloud

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