sojourning at the "Catamount Tavern' in the spring of 1775 and from the "Council Room" of that house went forth his order of May 3rd, for mustering the Green Mountain Boys for the capture of Ticonderoga which was effected seven days afterwards in the name of "the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." In this noted tavern house sat the Vermont Council of Safety during the trying campaign of 1777 guiding and directing the patriotic exertions of the Green Mountain Boys to stem the torrent of Burgoyne's invasion; and here also Stark and Warner, COUNCIL ROOM FIRE-PLACE.1 with the aid of the Council, planned the famous attack on Baum's entrenchments, where was won the brilliant victory of Bennington, which turned the current of success from the British to the American arms, and was followed in a few weeks, by the capture of Burgoyne and his army at Saratoga. Captain Fay, the proprietor of the house had five sons in the Battle of Bennington one of whom was killed. On being told that one of his sons had fallen in the fight, the venerable patriot, through his deep grief "thanked God that he had 1 The carver of the words on the fire-place left out the n in the word Council. Here, in 1778, was tried and condemned, one Daniel Redding, a traitor and spy; and in a field in front of the house a gallows had been erected, and a great crowd had assembled to see him executed. But on the morning fixed for the execution, the Governor and Council granted him a reprieve for one week, for the reason that he had been tried by a jury of six, while by the common law there ought to have been twelve. The multitude, who as well as the six jurors, had condemned the traitor, were clamorous at their disappointment, and violence was seriously apprehended, whereupon Col. Ethan Allen, who had just returned from his long English captivity,2 mounted a stump and waving his hat and exclaiming attention the whole! proceeded to announce the reasons which produced the reprieve, advised the multitude to depart peaceably to their habitations, and to return on the day fixed by the Governor and Council, adding, with an oath, "you shall see somebody hung at all events, for if Redding is not then hung I will be hung myself." Upon this the uproar ceased and the crowd dispersed. Redding having been afterwards tried and condemned by a jury of twelve, was hung on the day to which his reprieve had been granted, in accordance with Allen's prediction." The children of Captain Stephen Fay were numerous and respectable, and several of them have been prominent in the affairs of the state of Vermont. He died in 1781, and the house, not many years afterwards became a private dwelling for two of his sons, in succession; then for a grandson and finally for a great grandson, John Fay, Esq., who died Feb. 25, 1866. 1 Memorials of a Century, by Rev. I. Jennings, pages 253, 254. In September, 1775, Colonel Allen was in command of a body of Canadian Volunteers, on the borders of the St. Lawrence River. He was captured near Montreal and sent a prisoner in chains to England. He was exchanged, in New York, in May, 1778, when he returned to his home in Vermont. 3 Slade's State Papers, page 269. PERSECUTION OF AN EARLY FRIEND OR QUAKER. The following account of the arrest, trial, and sentence of John Bowne, a disciple of George Fox, was kindly copied from his original Journal, and contributed to the RECORD, by Henry Onderdonk Jr., of Jamaica, Long Island. JOURNAL. 1662 First of Seventh Month. Resolved [Waldron] the scout' came to my house at Vlishing [Flushing] with a company of men with swords and guns (where I was tending my wife being sick in bed, and my youngest child sick in my arms, which were both so ill that we watched two or three with them.) He told me I must go with him to the General [Stuyvesant.] I told him my family were not in a condition to leave them. He said he could not help that, he must follow his order, but would not show it me. So it being too late to go that day, he left his men there and went to drinking in the town, and came again in the night, and with him the scout of the town before whom I demanded his order which he denied before many people; but at last I saw it. By which order he was to take such as he should find in unlawful meetings, but found me in none. So I told him I did deny to go on foot by virtue of that order. He said: then he would bind me hand and foot and carry me. I told him he might do what he was suffered, but by that order he ought not to carry me away. So next day, like a wicked hard-hearted man, he carried me in a boat to Manhattans, leaving my family in that condition, and put me in the Court aguard before the Governor's door. So next day seeing the Governor about to take horse, I sent the sarjeant of the Company to tell him I did desire to speak a few words with him. So the man came and told me in Dutch, and showed me by his actions that the General said that if I would put off my hat and stand bare-headed, he would speak with me. I told him I could not upon that account. So he sent me word again: That he could not speak 1 Schout, the title of Sheriff in Dutch. So the soldiers did break out in with me. laughter at it. I Then the next day being Church day, the scout fetched me to the Court where I think, before my body was in their view, within the chamber-door, the Governor bade me put off my hat; but before I could make answer, he bade the scout take it off. Then he asked me about Meetings, and after some words, said, I had broken their law. So he called for it and read it to me, wherein he termed the servants of the Lord to be heretics, deceivers, and seducers, or such like, and then asked me if I would deny that I had kept Meetings. answered that I should not deny meetings; but that I had kept such meetings or entertained such persons as he there read of I did deny, for I could not own them to be such; but he would not reason it at all. Then he said: But will you deny meetings? I answered I shall neither deny nor affirm. Will you put us to prove it, said he. I said: Nay I shall not put to proving; but if you have any thing against me, you may act. Here I am in your hands ready to suffer what you shall be suffered to inflict upon me, or to that purpose. So the Governor put by all reasoning, and they spake to me to pass forth. I said I was willing, first, to give them to understand the condition of my family and the cruelty of bringing me so from them. So when I had declared it to them, I said: Now, do you judge at whose hands it will be required, if they suffer in my absence. The Governor said: At yours. So being spoken to I was going away, and two or three of them spake to me, to take my hat, which I did not intend to leave. So it lying by the door I took it and went to the Court aguard again, and the scout came a little after and told me: [that] When I had paid 150 guilders I might go home. I asked him what I must do till then. said I must tarry there in that place. He So the next morning he came and gave me a writing in Dutch and told me the Governor had sent me a copy of the Court's sentence. He was not ashamed [he said] of what he did, and if I would, I might have it in English. It was for such and such things I was fined and must pay 150 guilders and charges; and other particulars what must follow it if I did so again. I told him I could pay nothing on that account. So I was kept there till the 25th of that month. Then came the Fiscal and scout in great rage and demanded of me to answer the Court's sentence, which I denied as before. So I was presently carried or guarded away to the dungeon and there put. A strict charge being given to the guard of soldiers which was both by day [and night] to let nobody come at me or speak with me. So I was kept there and allowed nothing but coarse bread and water (that they knew of) till the 6th day of the 8th month. Then came the scout about the middle of the day, and he calling to me bade me to make up my bedding. I must go to another place. So I was brought to the State-house and there put in the prison-room, where I have remained till this 19th of the 9th month, being the 4th day of the week, and yet remain here, the door being open sometimes for a week together, sometimes more, sometimes less, both day and night, sometimes locked up for a little space, about which time and since I hear daily of great threatenings, what is intended to be done to me at the coming home of the Governor, which is looked for speedily. This morning Nickolas Davis came here, this 22d of 9th month, being the last day of the week, old style. So it continued till the 6th day of the next week in the morning. Then the Fiscal gave order to lock me up and said it was the Governor's order also; but at night the door was set open again, and the next morning Nich. Davis went away, being the last day of the week. The same day went away my dear friends Robert Hodgson and John Hudson to Gravesand, and left my wife with me. She went away the next second day morning, being the first day of the 10th month, old style. Then on the 5th day of the week, the 4th day of the month, came Resolved and told me he then came from the Governor and Court to tell me that if I would not pay the fine and charges, they were resolved to send me out of the country, either to Holland or somewhere. Then on the 6th day of the week the door was locked, but open at night to let in friends, and the next morning to let them out. But since, I have not had liberty to go out of the room. This day being the 3rd of the week, the 9th of the month, the Fiscal told Lydia Bowne that they will send me for Holland when the ship goeth. That night, I went to Steenwyck to go to the Governor to tell him I desired to come to the Court to speak for myself. So on the fifth day of the week in the morning Gower and Steenwyck went and told the Governor which he did refuse to grant, but said, I should either pay or go. So I went home for a chest and clothes which came down soon after. Then on the 16th of the month, the 3rd day of the week at night came Wm Leveridge to ask me if I would accept of the Governor's proffer, which was to go out of the Jurisdiction in 3 months time; which if I would promise to go, he would engage I should be set free the next day. I told him the Governor had made no such proffer to me, but if I might come to the speech of him, then if he did ask me a question I should like to make answer, for I did desire to speak with the Governor myself. So he said he would speak with the Governor again the next morning; and in the morning said so again at George Woolsey's, and did go to him as himself said, and being asked by Robert Gerry and George Woolsey of it, he said he had forgot it, and so went away home. Now, whether he lied in saying he wonld and did not, or whether in doing and saying, he had not done but forgot, I know not; but at the best it was bad enough. And that morning betimes, Cornelius Steenwyck told Robert Terry that the Secretary himself had told him that morning that I was free; but presently after I was kept closer than ever I was before in this room. Whether Wm. Leveridge was the cause of it I cannot tell. Then on the first day of the week, 21st of 10th was a writing it, the scout came and told month, came the scout in the morning and me I might speak with the Governor, if I asked me, if they should let me have lib- had any business with him. So I went to erty to go see my wife and friends, whether his house and was called into a private I would promise to come there again on room, where he with one of his writers the 3rd day at evening. I told him: Yea was a writing to send for Holland, and if the Lord would; or else he said the was very busy as he told me. So I told Governor would set me free if I would him I heard he meant to send me away in promise to remove myself and family out. the ship, and I did desire to know whereof his jurisdiction in a months time, but fore. So he told me: Because I did not I could not make any such promise. So answer the sentence of the Court. So I I had liberty to go home. Then on the asked him if that was only and alone the 3rd day of the week, before my time was cause. He said: Yea. Then I desired he out I came to Manadose [Manhattoes] and would give me so under his hand, that if went amongst the merchants, by the any should ask me, I might have it by to Weigh House, and Steenwyck went with show. So after some more words he went me to his house, and as he did knock at to writing himself and then gave it to his the door, Resolved came by. So Steen- Secretary to write fair, and then set his wyck spoke to him to tell the Governor I name to it and the Secretary also. Then was come and to ask him if I might have they gave it me, but it was not in those [liberty] to be abroad in the town; and I words as we had spoken. I also asked him : spoke to him also. And he turned himself What the ship-master should do with me. about on his heal and laughed, and seemed He told me: "Put me ashore either in to bite his tongue and wonder. It's like he Holland or anywhere, where the ship put thought I would not have come again. in," or[words]to that purpose. So he spake So I passed to and again in the town all then after some words to several things. that week out, and could hear nothing He told me he was very busy, and if we what they did intend. But when I asked should talk till the morrow morning we any question about it, I was bid "let it should do one another no good. But he alone awhile," and my chest, clothes and carried himself very moderate to me all that bedding were kept still in the prison. Then time, and said if I would promise to go on the 2nd day of the week, 29th of 10th out of the jurisdiction in 3 months time, month, the ship being fallen down the Bay, he would set me free. So after I had before the boat came up to fetch the spoken something as to my innocency topassengers aboard, so I walked to the wards them and how clear I was from deBridge where the boat lay because I was siring any hurt unto them or any revenge not willing to be out of sight, and there upon them for any thing they had done meeting with Resolved I asked him if he against me, the Governer answerd I thank had anything to say to me from the Gov- you for it, and called me Goodman Bowne. ernor. He said he should tell me presently. -So not having further liberty I passed So a little after, he came and told me I away. So that night my things were put might get a cart and fetch my things from in the boat, but by whome I know not. the prison and put them in the boat. So Then on the 3rd day of the week when I answered him something to it and told the people were ready to go, the scout him I did desire to speak with the Gov- put me in the boat and so I was carried ernor myself. aboard. Then the 4th day of the week being the 31st day of the 10th month, old style, we set sail about the middle of the day, and went out to sea. So being free to take that opportunity to have my things out of prison I got a cart and brought my things and put them in the Widdow Wessels house near where the boat lay, and then went to my lodging to write a letter to my wife, and while I ***** On the 29th of 2nd month, 1663, we [I, and Benj. Forely] came to Amsterdam. Then the 30th, being the 5th day of the week, we went to the West India house and livered in my first paper which was read and then left to a committee before whom (after much waiting) 14 days after, Wm. Caton and I were called in. They were very moderate to us and did not speak one word against us or any of our friends in any particular, tending to the liking of any thing the Governor had done against me or any other, but asked what we desired of them. And when they understood our minds, they freely promised that the next day my goods should be delivered to me; but for the other thing, they could not do it of themselves, but would speak of it to the Company of whom we must look for answer. This was the 14th of the 3d month. O. S. Then the next day to have the goods which were ordered to be delivered; but after consultation amongst some underlings, they were denied, except I would pay for my passage. This put me upon a 2d writing to them, which we gave in by the 18th day, but at [torn] that day and the next we [torn]also. Then having had some turns with the merchant about passage, because he wanted pay for the first, at length promised me I should have passage for my money as well as others, if I got a pass, which all that went thither are to have. So I went with others for a pass but he deried to give me one except he had orders from the Company or some of them. This did put me upon a 3d writing to them, which I, being alone, sent in on the 25th day, and after some time I was called in and the man called Lord Pergens (or Perkins) sitting at the head of the table asked if I would any thing with them. I said I had given in several writings to which I did desire their answer. He said Have you any [thing] further to say by word of mouth. I said: Nay, but that you would consider of these things and do therein as you would be done unto. Then he said if you please to withdraw, we shall consider of them afterward.—I was called again. Then he said; The gentlemen here have considered of the things and desire to know whether you intend to go to fetch your wife or to stay there. I said: Nay, I have no intent to fetch my wife and children here, but to labor to maintain [them] there as I used to do. But we think, said he, you were best to stay here and send for your wife and children, for we do not give liberty there. I said, Liberty was promised to us in a Patent given by virtue of a commission from the Prince of the States General and the West India Company. He said: Who gave that Patent.-Gov'r Keift. Oh, said he, that was before any or but few of your judgment [ie way of thinking] was heard of. I said we are known to be a peaceable people. He said but if you be a peaceable people and will not be subject to the laws plakados [placards] which are published, we cannot suffer you in our jurisdiction. I said: It is good first to consider whether that law or placard that was published be according to justice and righteousness or whether it be not quite contrary to it and also to that liberty promised to us in our Patent; and I desire the Company would read or hear it read. I have a copy of it by me. He said if I would walk out a while they would. A pretty time after they called me in again. Then he standing up set a bold face on a bad cause and told me they had read it and considered of it and did find it very good and like it well. Then after some words about it, I seeing their wickedness, said: What you are pleased to give in answer to these things, I desire to have it in writing under your hands. Nay, said he, we will give you nothing under our hands, but we will draw up a writing of such particulars, as unto which if you will set your hand, you may go and dwell there, and also said that all those that will not be subject to that placard and all other that either are already or shall be hereafter made, shall not live in our Jurisdiction. Then it was concluded that I should come to the next sitting, being the 28th day, to see their writing and give my answer to it, when, he said, I should have them all together. So I and my friend came expecting an opportunity of speech with them but had it not. So when they were risen, the speaker called us into another room and gave |